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The 10 minute FroomZoom shidduch date can help you accelerate finding your future spouse and bashert.

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What is
Image by Patrik Velich
Smiling Man
Image by Drew Beamer
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What is FroomZoom's 10 minute shidduch date,

and why should I participate?

We all know that being on a date with someone you feel is not right for you can be awkward and a bit of a bummer.


FroomZoom shadchanim set you up on Zoom dates that are always limited to 10 minutes, so you have little to lose, and everything to gain.

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what is

Pre-Agreed Dates

A major premise of FroomZoom is that you may surprised with whom you’ll feel a spark. Therefore, members agree in advance to all shadchan-proposed FroomZoom 10 minute meetings. Again, it's only a ten minute commitment.

10 Minutes Max

The FroomZoom dates are all set to stop at 10 minutes. Even if you do want to speak for more than ten minutes on the first call, you will not have that option, keeping pressure low. 

Easy Next Steps

If you have a great date and want a follow up, simply indicate your interest, and should the other person share your interest, the appropriate information will be shared according the parties' preferences.

How Does FroomZoom Work?

Simple & Relevant Video Speed Dates

Our shadchanim only connect you with people they would suggest to you for a regular shidduch. With FroomZoom, you are not going to meet just any “random people”.


The advantage of Froom Zoom is that it will only require 10 minutes of your time, from the comfort of your home or from wherever your screen is.


And unlike regular speed-dating, you don't need to pay, get dressed up, meet tons of people in a row, or even leave your home. 

Simple After-Date Actions

Unless you request otherwise, the person you expressed an interest in will not be notified of your interest, until they also express an interest. This means you don’t have to be worried about being "rejected". 


Your date is not informed of your interest in them until they are also interested.

Pay it Forward

Even if you're not be interested in proceeding with the person you meet through FroomZoom, you may be able to suggest someone you know to the shadchan.


They might be a good match for the person you met, which is a major chesed in and of itself.


If after a 10 minute FroomZoom date you're interested in having another video or in-person date, as long as the other person feels similarly, you're off and running.


You will then be moving forward with someone you’ve already broken the ice with, making the shidduch process distinctly more pleasant.

What are the benefits of a FroomZoom date?

We’ve all seen friends or acquaintances who described the type of person they want to marry, and then end up happily marrying someone who doesn’t match that description.


Have you not seen happily married couples who you would have never thought to set up? Of course you have.


With FroomZoom you’ll have the opportunity to meet many more people that you otherwise would, quickly and easily. With Froom Zoom you may be pleasantly surprised, and again, have little to lose.

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How Do We Make Your Dating Life Easier? 

There is no charge for Froom Zoom

Set your weekly date max

10 minute first dates, maximum, keeps pressure low

Meet more people, quickly and easily

With the Right Platform, Everything Is Possible

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Try Us Out

FroomZoom is FREE. No credit card needed

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© 2024 by FroomZoom

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